M.E.S Indian School observed the Qatar Environment Day on 26th February 2024 with great fervour. A series of events such as ‘Best out of Waste’ exhibition and cleanliness drive were carried out by the Campus Care Force throughout the month as a part of the celebration. The school maintained a beautiful garden in all the sections.
Dr Hameeda Kadar, the school Principal planted a tree as an initiative to fulfil Qatar’s mission of planting 10 million trees and urged the students to embrace the activity of environmental conservation and sustainability in everyday life. She urged the students to be the care takers of the environment by actively involving in nurturing good habits among them and also asked them to do their bit by stopping the use of plastic bags, wasting food and to start recycling to make a greener tomorrow. Students were asked to be the change that they wish to see in the world in the long run.
Dr Hameeda Kadar, the school Principal planted a tree as an initiative to fulfil Qatar’s mission of planting 10 million trees and urged the students to embrace the activity of environmental conservation and sustainability in everyday life. She urged the students to be the care takers of the environment by actively involving in nurturing good habits among them and also asked them to do their bit by stopping the use of plastic bags, wasting food and to start recycling to make a greener tomorrow. Students were asked to be the change that they wish to see in the world in the long run.