M.E.S Indian School proved its mettle by marking a new milestone with prizes galore in the Aryabhata Ganit Challenge 2023 winning the Best School Merit certificate, ‘Mathematics Promotion School’ from The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
The preliminary round of Aryabhata Ganit Challenge 2023 – a test fostering essential competencies like problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, and analytical thinking among students was conducted by C.B.S.E to apply mathematics in their daily life – was held in our school on 4th September 2023. A total of 1253 students comprising 621 boys and 632 girls had registered for the test. Bibhastu Das of 10 C, Khruthika Priya of 10-O and Huda Zahir of 9-P were the top three students of level-1 competition and got selected for level-2. For the level-2 competition which was held on 3rd October 2023, the training was given very effectively by the teachers from the Department of Mathematics. All three students enthusiastically participated in the second stage of Aryabhata Ganit Challenge 2023 and won the laurels for the school.
Dr. Hameeda Kadar, the school Principal, congratulated the students for their outstanding performance in the competition and the teachers of the Department of Mathematics for their dedication and tireless effort in giving constant training to the students. Mrs. Nitha Gopi, Head of the Department Mathematics along with the teachers coordinated the participation of the students in the event.