The Department of French at M.E.S Indian School observed French Day recently at the Conference Hall of the school. Ms. Chrystelle SCHAEIGIS (Deputy Counselor for Cooperation & Cultural Affairs, Institut Français du Qatar) and Ms. Margo GIRARD (Deputy Director, Attachée for Linguistic Cooperation, Institut Français du Qatar) were the Chief Guests on the occasion.

Addressing the gathering, the school Principal, Dr. Hameeda Kadar stressed on the importance and benefits of learning an international language for the students which not only opens the vistas of exploring the world but also comes in handy for the youngsters in their pursuit of acquiring worldly knowledge and wisdom.

The winners of the Spell-Bee competition which was held recently for the students of Classes III – X as a part of the Golden Jubilee celebration of the school were awarded trophies and certificates. A cultural segment consisting of group songs, a dance performance, a short play (L’Accent Grave) a fun event of tongue twisters and a choral recitation of the poem, ‘Déjeuner du Matin’ was carried out for the students studying the French language. Mrs. Radhika Rajendran, Coordinator, Department of French coordinated the programme.